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Welcome! 各位懶人湯友!懶人焗湯,香港手工製花茶,香港製造。
而家係網店購物滿$300即免運費🚚 (智能櫃及順豐自提點),滿$450免運費送住宅或公司地址。
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3HK / SUPRME SoupNTea Pass Membership terms and conditions
3HK / SUPRME SoupNTea Pass會員條款及細則
This is the membership terms and conditions between supplier and customer as of the date of this agreement.
此會員條款及細則於簽約後即時生效, 並適用於SoupNTea Pass顧客及心靈養生坊。
Health & Spirit Trading (HK) Limited (“HS Health”)- Terms and Conditions 心靈養生坊- 條款及細則
1. The Service entitles customers to receive a monthly “Wellness Subscription Box” which includes assorted beverage packs including dry soups and tea bags in a paper box (themes to be selected on HS Health’s webpage). The “Wellness Subscription Box” will be delivered to the address which should be filled in HS Health’s webpage by the customer. The welcome gift and extra offer (if applicable) will be delivered along with the first month’s “Wellness Subscription Box”, the color of the welcome gift and extra offer is subject to the availability.
客戶於此服務合約期內每月收到一個包括焗湯包及茶包的「健康飲料盒」, (於心靈養生坊網頁選擇主題), 免費運送到客人於心靈養生坊網頁所填寫的運送地址。服務合約所包括之迎新禮物及額外禮遇(如適用),將連同第一個月的「健康飲料盒」一同發出,迎新禮物及額外禮遇之款式視乎供應而定。
2. Unless otherwise specified, the first order will be delivered within 3-5 working days and the subsequent orders will be delivered before the 15th of the subsequent months. Once the order is sent, it cannot be modified. After the products are signed or accepted by the customer, the customer becomes the owner of the products and accepts the related responsibilities at the same time.
3. All soup packs from HS Health are specially designed for insulated jars. The amount of soup is designed for 750ml-insulated jars. The quality and completeness of products are ensured before delivery. All soup packs are vacuum-packed.
4. HS Health aims to provide customers with the best online shopping experience and provides a 14-day exchange guarantee. If the product is found to be severely moth-eaten or moldy, please take a photo and contact us within 14 days after receiving the product. We will immediately arrange the exchange of products.
5. As the dry materials are natural herbs, a little insect damage is normal. 由於乾貨材乃天然草本植物,有少量蟲蛀仍屬正常。
6. There is a chance that the product is shattered due to the collision during transportation, and the materials break the vacuum bag but this does not affect the effectiveness of the soup. Thanks for your understanding.
7. If the exchange of products is needed due to quality problems, please do it within 14 days after receiving the product by contacting the customer service specialist with Whatsapp to 9694 8882.
如因品質問題而提出之換貨必須於購物日起計十四天內提出,並以Whatsapp至9694 8882向客戶服務專員求助。
8. If the original receipt of the product is not presented, or the product has been artificially damaged, no exchange or return will be accepted.
9. HS Health reserves the final decision right of the above specifications.
10. HS Health is solely responsible for all issues on the provision, obligations and disputes, etc. relating to the Service. Please contact HS Health directly on 9694 8882 or email to cs@hshealthmart.com.hk.
所有關於此服務之提供,責任及爭議等事宜,一概由心靈養生坊負責。請直接致電心靈養生坊客戶服務熱線9694 8882或電郵至cs@hshealthmart.com.hk.
11. The Service will be terminated after the expiration of the contract period.
12. Customer authorizes 3HK to charge the subscription fees for the Service as specified. Customer agrees to provide the customer information to 3HK as set out in the 3HK Customer Consent Form and for 3HK to collect and use such information in accordance with 3HK Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement (www.three.com.hk). Customer information collected by HS Health is subject to HS Health’s Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement (http://bit.ly/392O8H5).
客戶授權3香港收取此服務之訂明月費。客戶同意按3香港客戶同意書向3香港提供其客戶資料及根據3香港私隠政策及個人資料收集聲明(www.three.com.hk)同意3香港收集及使用客戶資料。心靈養生坊所收集的客戶個人資料受心靈養生坊的私隠政策及個人信息收集聲明 (http://bit.ly/392O8H5)約束。
13. The Service is subject to the terms set out in these service terms and conditions, the HS Health Terms and Conditions (http://bit.ly/392O8H5) and 3HK 3G, 4G LTE and 5G Service Terms and Conditions (www.three.com.hk). HS Health has the sole discretion on accepting application for the Service by customer.
此服務受此服務條款及細則、心靈養生坊條款細則(http://bit.ly/392O8H5)及3香港3G, 4G LTE及 5G服務使用條款(www.three.com.hk)約束。心靈養生坊有權自行決定是否接受客戶申請此服務。
14. These terms and conditions will be governed by the law of Hong Kong.
15. In case of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version will prevail.